Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2: Osteoporosis: A possible treatment or problem (Feb 13, 2012)

After watching these four videos, start a thread or reply to someone else's thread about whether this drug should be used to treat osteoporosis. You need to have at least 2 posts (either in starting a thread or replying to someone else's thread)
Possible EXTRA CREDIT: If you have a longer, meaningful discussion (5 or more posts that are meaningful), I will give you and extra 3 points on this assignment

2: Skeletal Bones (Feb 13, 2012)

In this discussion choose the bone that you think is the most important bone in the body (use the list of bones from the skeletal identification quiz). Explain why you feel that bone is the most important:
  • A good explanation should include:
  1. Why that bone is important
  2. What would occur/not occur if the bone were absent (i.e problems)
  3. A slogan for your bone (ex: Facial bones, responsible for the beauty of the world)

2: Estimating Skeletal Height Feb 13, 2012)

Stature: Estimating Height
Forensic Science can estimate a person's stature (height) by examining one or more of the long bones. The long bones you will consider here are the femur, tibia, humerus, and radius. Men and women have different proportions of long bones to total height, so seperate formulas have been developed for each. If complete long bones are available, the following fomulas may be used to estimate height within a range of +/- 7.5 centimeters:
Estimated height(H) of a female (centimeters):
  • H = femur length X 2.21 + 61.41
  • H = tibia length X 2.53 + 72.57
  • H = humerus length X 3.14 + 64.97
  • H = radius length X 3.87 + 73.50
Estimated height(H) of a male (centimeters):
  • H = femur length X 2.23 + 69.08
  • H = tibia length X 2.39 + 81.68
  • H = humerus length X 2.97 + 73.57
  • H = radius length X 3.65 + 80.40
Using the above calculations, calculate the following long bone lengths and heights. Show all of your work, measurements, and calculations. Remember that 2.5 cm = 1 inch. Be sure to include a range of +/- 7.5 centimeres.
  1. A male skeleton was found in the woods with a humerus of 34.9 cm long. Approximately how tall would that person have been?
  2. A body was found in the sewer system with a tibia 34.8 cm in length. What would the approximate height be if the body were a female? If it were male?
  3. Using your own height (in centimeres), what would you expect the length of your femur to be?
  4. Using a meter stick in class, measure the length from your wrist to your elbow (in centimeres) and calculate your height.
  5. Using a meter stick in class, measure the length from your ankle to your knee (in centimeres) and calculate your height. Is it with in the range of +/- 7.5 centimeres of your measurement in number 4.

2: NICO: A Hidden Epidemic? (Feb 16, 2012)

NICO: A Hidden Epidemic?
A growing group of dentists and physicians are discovering that what was once thought to be a rare condition might be very common. Many medical professionals however, believe that this problem is overplayed and even be the basis of fraudulent medical practices. This controversial condition is called neuralgia including cavitational oseonecrosis (NICO). In simple terms, cavitational osteonecrosis refers to holes, or cavities, that form in bone as a result of bone cell death. Neuralgia means pain felt along a particular nerve. So, NICO refers to a consistant pain located along the nerve that serves a bone with osteonecrosis. Apparently, the benefits provided by better access to healthcare had a downside: a large body of research shows that frequent dental work can introduce bacteria into the blood and facial bones, causing localized and widespread cavitational osteonecrosis. Cavitational osteonecrosis could also be caused by blood-flow problems and other degenerative changes to the body. Many medical doctors feel that anyone could be a candidate for NICO. They believe that the disease can go undetected until it starts causing intense pain. This is giving the doctors and dentists justification to routine NICO testing on patients who come in for dental and medical visits.
Use the information in this chapter and the websites on the top of page 218 in your book to resolve the issue of NICO. Answer three of the following five questions.
1. After weighing the evidence from different sources is it evident that NICO is a serious concern worthy of more investigation?
2. Should every person be tested for NICO even though it may not be as prevalent as believed?
3. Should dentists and doctors be required to have patients seek a second and third opinions when diagnosed with NICO?
4. Should the government put money into investigating the extent of NICO?
5. Should insurance companies have the right to investigate the validity of a NICO diagnosis and treatment before deciding to pay out benefits?

2: Where do we go from here? (Feb 16, 2012)

People in health fields can use their knowledge of the skeletal system to solve everyday problems. You may wish to use other resources, such as the websites in the "Where do we go from here?" section in your book on page 218 to investigate and answer two of the five following situations:
  1. You are told that a neighbor's young boy has bone cancer. Explain to the parents why the cancer must be treated with chemicals that spread throughout the body rather that with surgical removal of the tumor.
  2. You are advising a 12-year-old boy who wants to start lifting heavy weights to bulk up for junior high school football. What advise would you give him related to the benefits and problems of weightlifting at his age?
  3. A young woman read about a dietary supplement that reduces osteoporosis. How would you determine the effectiveness and safety of this supplement?
  4. You were asked to help a woman plan an exercise routine after recovering from a prolonged illness. Her physician said she should avoid anything that can cause stress fractures. What activities should she avoid?
  5. A friend was told to keep his food intake slightly higher and to take in more proteins after breaking a leg. Why did the doctor give this advise?