Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2: Osteoporosis: A possible treatment or problem (Feb 13, 2012)

After watching these four videos, start a thread or reply to someone else's thread about whether this drug should be used to treat osteoporosis. You need to have at least 2 posts (either in starting a thread or replying to someone else's thread)
Possible EXTRA CREDIT: If you have a longer, meaningful discussion (5 or more posts that are meaningful), I will give you and extra 3 points on this assignment


  1. I think that if the drug is doing more harm to the patient then good, the drug should not be taken. If it gives them pain and puts them at risk for atrial fibrillation, then why risk it. Just don't take it, and take regular pain meds, like tylenol or advil.

    1. I agree, I wouldnt risk taking this drug for pain when you can always use Tylenol or Advil something you know you're going to be fine after.

    2. i agree there's no point of giving a person more pain and putting them at more risk for other injuries when there's less severe medicine

    3. I definitely agree because science has other advances that can help subside the pain instead of making pain worse.

  2. I dont think this drug should be used because there is such a high percentage of people that have died after this that it shouldn't even be consider being used. Also people have a lot of pain after this drug so why use it if it doesnt really help you.

    1. I agree. This is too risky. There has to be other options to this.

    2. I agree with you. If the drug is putting them in even more pain, or worse causing them to die, then they shouldn't take the drug.

    3. i agree. if it is to risky then people should just stop taking it. theres no point of risking a life if theres less harmful medicine.

    4. But they made a point in the second video that the time the drug is given after the injury could have a huge effect on the person. With this information doctors should know which patients to give it to depending on when they were injured. This way they could lower the amount of deaths caused by the new drug.

    5. I agree with this because they need more studies done before they start using it on people causing them more pain then they already have.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think that people should not be given the drug if it is doing them more harm then good. If the drug is putting their life at risk then why take it? Better off taking no medicine at all.

  5. Every drug will have a side effect. I think if more research is done on this drug we could reduce the number of deaths. Also the statistics are for older people- and the cause of death can't be specifically linked to the new osteoporosis drug.

  6. As of right not, the drug should not be used. They need more research done on it instead of giving it to patients. It seems as if it causes more suffering then good so it shouldn't be used- at least for now.
